Can you believe that gratitude was
described as a trend? During the last eight months, I have tried to express my thanks for recent happenings in my life, but I certainly wouldn't consider it trendy. Here's just a few of the things on my gratitude list:
My family
My friends: day one friends, high school friends, college friends, new Bay friends
My pups and fat cat
My lovely job
The little Corolla that takes me everywhere
BBM, Ping chat, Facebook: anything that keeps me connected
An amazing lib two blocks from my apartment
Jeff, my sweet landlord (thank you for taking a chance on me)
My teeny apartment
Baby watching with the sissies
Cheesy quotes
Being able to pay my bills, all by myself
Bubble baths
Learning something new every day
My roots
Baking, baking, baking
The Power of Positive Thinking
Can't wait to share more Thanksgiving pics!