This weekend was pure, wonderful insanity. Thanks to my mom, the interior decorator extraordinaire, my dad (who brought more tools than I knew what to do with, and the entertainment (Mags and Brig), the move was super successful. Everything about this weekend makes me want to sing the Destiny's Child song
Independent Woman.
Best parts about the weekend?
Not a single item was broken during the move!
The redone china cabinet looked so stunning I almost fell over.
Successfully moving said china cabinet into the apartment.
Dyyying of laughter as we
shoved the couch through my front door.
Realizing how similar my kitchen is to my dad's childhood kitchen - so retro cute.
All the Giants-related items everywhere. Buh bye silly Dodgers-loving land!
A grocery store trip that included NO frozen dinners, top ramen or macaroni and cheese... hello healthier post-college lifestyle!
Noticing bicycles and parks
Strolling down Castro Street.
Showing the fam bam where I'll be working.
Buying fresh bread, apples and flowers at the Farmer's Market down the street.
The library
2 blocks from my apartment (where I am currently stealing internet).
Finding the nearby Target, Wal-Mart, Dollar Tree and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
My 'to-see' list that keeps growing and growing :)
A kitty cat named Dexter.
All the sweet emails, texts, fb messages and phone calls from friends and family.
Pictures to come as soon as I set up internet and my apartment returns to the 21st century.