Thursday, May 10, 2012


I have a tendency to declare a day or a week or even a moment the "best [blank] ever."  I just get so excited and caught up in the feeling and want to share it with the world. Or at least my followers on Twitter!  This week, though, has really had an extra dose of magic.  Work, family, friends... everything seemed to be complimenting each other.  There was a lot that was "ok" this week.

It's ok... to dive into something headfirst with little thought of potential consequences.  Sometimes it is great to take (semi-cautious) risks.

It's ok... to do your laundry and then leave all your clean clothes in your laundry bag.  Priorities people!

It's ok... to spend 40 minutes on Spotify creating a playlist of favorite songs.  Some songs just make me so happy.

On that note, it's ok... to have listened to the new Katy Perry song Wide Awake at least 40 times.  That girl is catchy.

It's ok... that I am so excited to spend the entire weekend with my grandma in Sonoma.  It is going to be a perfect Mothers Day weekend, I can already tell. 

It's ok... that I tried to defend myself with a bottle of sparkling water when I thought there was an intruder in my roomate's room.  Turns out she just left her window open and a breeze just knocked some ish over.

It's ok... to celebrate little victories, like exercising four days in a row.  My roomie is so good at motivating me.

It's fall in love with quotes.  Like these below.


Go link up with Amber and Neely!
Its Ok Thursdays


  1. Those prints are so cute. If I had unlimited resources of time and money, I'd buy so many!

  2. I've been pinning lots of great quotes lately!
    I think 4 days of exercise definitely deserves celebrating :)

    Have a good Friday friend
